
I landed in tv news in the late 80’s, just in time to be part of the morphing of this market into the center of the news universe.  Doesn’t it seem that every big story has a South Florida tie?   Every day brings its own quirks and fascinations, campaigns, crime, category fives, the Everglades, the ocean, revolution, evolution, hopes, dreams, scams, rise, fall and redemption.  Stay tuned…

3 Responses

  1. Glenna
    I was looking at Shoptalk and your blog was listed. There could be only one Milberg so I clicked through and read the past few entries. I can see you riding that bus!

    I hope you are well, I’d love to catch up. Message me back sometime!


  2. Solid writing GG! It is great to read your work. I can hear your voice as I read your words. Hope all is well with you and yours!

  3. Hi Glenna, I’m working with the Knight Foundation on its Soul of the Community project (www.soulofthecommunity.org). I found your blog when I was doing some research and saw that you write about some of the same things we’re doing in Miami. I’ve been following your blog and wanted to get in contact with you. My email is gaballi@jeffreygroup.com– I hope to hear from you!

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